Community Guidelines

Our community is a space for respectful and enriching exchanges of ideas. To ensure a harmonious environment, we ask everyone to follow these guidelines:

  1. Respect is essential
    Treat all members with respect. Disrespect of any kind will not be tolerated.

  2. Zero tolerance for offensive behavior
    Racism, harassment, threats, violent or abusive behavior will be strictly monitored and addressed.

  3. Relevant and appropriate content only
    Posts that are unacceptable or irrelevant to the community will not be allowed.

  4. Respect for copyright
    Copyrighted materials may only be shared with proper permissions.

  5. No spam or flooding
    Repetitive messages, spam, or any actions that disrupt the community experience are prohibited.

  6. Protection of personal information
    Public discussions are encouraged, but sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers of third parties, is strictly forbidden.

  7. Use discretion with advice
    Anyone can claim to be an expert, so use caution and discernment when following shared suggestions or opinions.

Consequences for Violations
Any breach of these guidelines may result in warnings, suspension, or removal from the community.

We believe that with mutual respect and cooperation, this space will remain safe and enjoyable for everyone. Thank you for being a part of it!


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